Steeplechase Pictures
Coney Island NY
was an instant success, and for awhile the Steeplechase Man with his horrible
grin was familiar to all Americans.
The sign says, "25 attractions for 25 cents." That's a lot for a Barber quarter!
Click here for an extra large view.
A View Inside Steeplechase
One of the reasons Steeplechase flourished as a business is because it was enclosed.
Therefore on rainy days during the summer Steeplechase got all the business. Steeplechase was the first enclosed Amusement Park in the country.
The original Disneyland. Inside was all sorts of amusements and tricks. See a view inside Steeplechase
For instance, one ride was set up so that after riders got off, they had no choice but to exit onto a stage, where they became the actors, not realizing that there was an audience watching every trick that was played on them.
An Outside View of SteepleChase
Steeplechase Park rose from the ashes of a series of fires, grander each time, until finally it covered fifteen acres centering around a five acre hardwood floor under a canopy of glass and steel.Notice the copyright date on the postcard is 1920
See an large outside view of Steeplechase
Coney Island Bathers 1900's
in front
of Steeplechase Park
Check out the old swimsuits in this postcard, obviously
from late 1920's. They are already bareing more shoulder, and the length has been
shortened, yet they are all still mostly black.Steeple Chase is in the background. It appears to be the new Steeple Chase that was built after the old one burned. The amazing thing is, to see how far these bathers are from the beach, yet the water is not even up to their waists.
This information is gathered from our own personal trips to NYC.
Therefore, some information on the pages may change as far as restaurants, hotels, things to do, etc.